Dragonfly Floral: Design School & Classes
Dragonfly Floral School
Class Survey
Class Survey
Thank you so much for joining us!
We would really appreciate your honest feedback so that we can continue to learn and grow as well.
All fields are optional.
Phone Number
How did you hear about this class?
Social Media
Our mailing list
Internet Search
If Other please specify:
What class did you attend?
What were your favorite parts of the class?
What would you have liked to be different about your class?
Do you feel that you can recreate this design or something similar by yourself based on the instruction you were given?
What material would you have liked covered, that was not included?
On a scale of 1-10 how satisfied are you with your overall experience?
What other classes would you be interested in that we aren't currently offering?
Would you like to know more about hosting a private class with friends, family or colleagues?
Indicates required field
Would you come back for more classes? If not, why?
What day the week and time of day is most convenient for you to attend classes?
Do you feel like the class was priced appropriately?